[Klug-general] the future of KLUG

Allen Brooker allen at allenjb.me.uk
Tue Jan 16 16:31:52 GMT 2007

james snyder wrote:
> Following the announcement of K to hand over the reigns.....
> Colin has recently raised the question, "what is the future of KLUG?"
> In response, further questions have been raised in the recent pub meeting in Maidstone, our bulletin board and the IRC meeting by KLUG members.
> Here are just a few questions that some of us KLUGGERS have been thinking about.....
> will KLUG arrange and host presentations for Linux users? if so, where in Kent? Rochester?
> how often and where will KLUG members meet up in the pub in Maidstone / Canterbury / Kent?
> Will KLUG have any informal conferences or round table discussions to present hot Linux related topics in a structured way? will these conferences be online or offline?

This sounds like a good idea. They could be a mix of both.

> who else could give formal presentations?
> which corporations / organizations could sponsor KLUG or encourage their employees to speak at KLUG events to promote their products with technically interesting content?
> who could host KLUG?
> does our KLUG mailing list bulletin provide an opportunity for KLUG members and guests to make announcements for jobs, assistance (free or professional consulting), and hardware?

I wouldn't mind these going to the main list. Alternatively we could set
up a seperate list as already suggested.

> will KLUG operate any installfests and can anyone teach stuff like linux configuration, and linux security?
> does KLUG have or need an online blog presence yet?
I'm not sure about a single online blog. An alternative could be a
planet (as in a blog aggregator such as planet<insert-techy-thing-here>)
> could KLUG provide computer help to any kentish schools and non-profit organizations (and in return get a regular venue)?
> Could KLUG perform any other outreach services for the community?
> does KLUG need to be more or less of an online LUG? 

I think current levels are good. We have a good number of people on both
the forums and the IRC channel.

> Some members of KLUG in Dover or other out of the way places may feel isolated without a local LUG pub meet whilst having only a few other Linux users in their area. 
So set some up?

> Some Linux users from afar have recently expressed the difficulty of getting to KLUG meeting venues.
> could KLUG hold a virtual video conference meeting, (ie with marratech.com)?
> If e-meetings with web conferencing and videoconferencing were held using marratech compression for video and audio 
> could this make face to face info. sharing and co-browsing easier for online KLUG conferencing?
> or should KLUG keep it simple and stick to just the mailing lists and pub meets?
I like the idea of virtual meetings. I think as long as virtual meetings
are continued to be held on IRC as well, it shouldn't be a problem,
atleast for me.
> Jim. 
> Maidstone.

Ashford (Home) / Canterbury (Uni)

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