[Klug-general] PC builder recommentation

Mike Rentell michael.rentell at ntlworld.com
Thu Jan 3 14:23:41 GMT 2008

Exactly my own approach last September. I wasn't interested in getting a 
store supplied Windows clone and with the advice of this erudite bunch I 
approached Gavin Coles at Indie IT in Birchington ( gavin at indit-it.com).

He built me a nice system with AMD64 processor, 4Gb RAM and a 250-Gb HD 
for a little under £800. All the bits, boxes, disks and booklets that 
come with the components were also supplied.

I installed a variety of Linux 64s on it until I settled on Debian 4.0 
(Etch). I found the system so up-to-date that I have had to wait for 
Linux to catch up a bit. But it is worth it and nice to know someone not 
far away actually knows exactly what's on board.

Does that help at all?

in Folkestone.

Mike Evans wrote:
> I remember a while back someone mentioning that they had a new PC built 
> for them by someone and recommended them.
> I'm currently torn between going down to PC World and getting something 
> cheap but up to date with Vista on it (Yeurg!  But at least I would have 
> a fall-back.) and then fighting with whatever hardware choices they 
> made, or custom building a machine.  I'm not looking for ultimate power. 
>  The spec is probably more like a media PC in that I want it to be 
> reasonably quick, have enough graphics capability to be able to watch 
> DVDs on a good size monitor (min 23" but larger if poss), fit in the 
> space I have (which means flat rather than tower) and be silent or 
> nearly so.
> I've been looking at various components available.  However it's been so 
> long since I did that level of hardware that I don't know my Northgates 
> from my Southgates any more.
> Any recommendations for either kit or someone who is up on these things 
> to advise me gratefully accepted.
> Mike
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