[Klug-general] KLUG - Karoshi Doc Project
Karl Buckland
karl at digital-end.com
Sun Jul 27 00:30:21 BST 2008
Re: documentation.
It was originally suggested at the April meeting that we could use Scribus
and that we may have a presentation on it. Obviously that hasn't happened.
Does anyone know enough about Scribus to be willing to do that? I know
nothing about Scribus at all, so I can offer no advice on whether or not it
would be apt.
After Julia's Latex talk someone suggested we could use Latex for the
documentation as Latex documents can easily be converted into other formats,
whether it be help files for an application, xml, html, a book, etc. The
problem we discovered with Latex was that it will present a barrier to some
of the less technical members of the group and it's something people have to
learn. We're also left with the question of how to manage the Latex files
between the group. If we have to store the Latex files in a CVS or SVN
repository then that presents yet another barrier and another learning curve
making this option less than ideal - especially once you consider that it's
more likely that the less technical members of the group may be the most
willing to write accurate and detailed documentation.
Of course we are also left with the option of a Wiki, which is open to all
and manages itself. It certainly seems like the lazier and probably most
open option so therefore it's the one I support at the moment (subject to
information about Scribus!).
2008/7/26 Mike Evans <mike at tandem.f9.co.uk>
> Ritchie,
> We should have come back to your mail to say that there was a confusion
> with the room booking at the school in Dover. (Anyone recommend them a good
> open source resource reservation system?) As a result Colin did a quick
> re-organisation to an alternative venue and we will have to pick up the
> Karochi documentation at a later date.
> The initial intention was to see Karochi in use, and work out how we could
> divide up the task of producing some useful documentation. I was going to
> suggest to Colin that we might start thinking of ways to do that with a
> virtual meeting. However I was unable to get to today's meeting, so here
> goes:
> 1) Suggestions on how we produce the documentation as responses to this
> thread please. My starter thought is that we make use of our lab server at
> www.kentlug.org, perhaps by installing either a document repository or a
> wiki. This could initially hold things like our plan:- who's doing what
> etc, but also the initial output. That output could then be converted as a
> second stage into the formal documentation.
> 2) After a respectable interval - say two weeks from now I'll review all
> the feedback and put together an agenda for a virtual meeting.
> 3) Following the virtual meeting I'll try to produce a summary/minutes and
> some sort of plan of action.
> 4) At some point, as part of the plan we will re-schedule the
> demonstration we had hoped to have this weekend.
> Right - now I'll take my project manger hat off.
> Mike
> Ritchie Fraser wrote:
>> Hi Guys (and Gals),
>> Lurker, de-lurking again.
>> Just like to say that I saw the KLUG write-up in Linux Format magazine
>> (page 14). Even though I haven't made it to a meeting in quite some time.
>> I am Chair of Governors at my daughters Primary School and am very
>> interested in projects like Karoshi and I would like to contribute to the
>> documentation project. My meeting attendance has been sporadic and I can't
>> see this changing (life-style issues, see Schol Gov bit above!).
>> Do you have a FAQ about the project? Does it include...
>> Is a list of required documentation pages / chapters / whatever be posted
>> on the KLUG website? What format is required OpenDoc / html / other. Is an
>> install of Karoshi needed?
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