[Klug-general] SSL bug

Martin A. Brooks martin at antibodymx.net
Thu May 22 23:58:51 BST 2008

Karl Lattimer wrote:
> This is the biggest flaw in history, it has perpetuated onto millions of
> systems, and isn't so easy to clean it up.

Not even close.  Try the "love bug" virus and Melissa, circa 2000 for 

> The fact of the matter is debian will never be used by any businesses that
> depend on security again, it will be removed from all major companies and
> as the dilbert comic says "Debian, you can never be sure" this is now the
> strap line people will use to describe it. The brand is damaged beyond
> repair.

Speaking as someone who runs a company that exclusively uses Debian on 
production servers, I can cheerfully tell you that you're wrong.  I have 
a new mail filtering node coming on line in the next day or so, it's 
running Debian, as the one due next month will be too.

Debian messed up, sure, but they then did exactly the right thing.  No 
denials, no excuses,  just a public announcement alongside a fix.

Do you have a link to the Dilbert you mention?  I don't recall that one.

Martin A. Brooks |  http://www.antibodymx.net/ | Anti-spam & anti-virus
   Consultant    |  martin at antibodymx.net      | filtering. Inoculate
 antibodymx.net  |  m: +447792493388           | your mail system. 

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