[Klug-general] Free as in beer
Mike Rentell
michael.rentell at ntlworld.com
Sun Sep 21 08:45:16 UTC 2008
Sharon wrote:
> On Saturday 20 September 2008 11:36, J D Freeman wrote:
>> I know from the irc channel and from conversations in real life, that
>> there are a number of klug members who dabble to varying degrees of
>> success in the mystical art of home brew. Whilst Mike and I attempted
>> this and produced a highly effective paint stripper (either my maths is
>> screwed it it was 130% by volume).
>> So my thought for a klug meet was abit of a team work. Those who are
>> interested, get together with those who know how, to produce some Klug
>> home brew. This, if we time it right would be ready in perfect timing
>> for a klug christmas party (aka, part B of plan).
> my method of beer making is to pour the can of malt extract into a beer bucket
> with the required amount of sugar, add water to the 25litre mark, add yeast
> and leave it to ferment in my kitchen till done, and then bottle in 2litre
> plastic bottles. let it stand for about a fortnight and then sample. its a
> bog standard way and is just really bucket chemistry with nothing being
> really weighed.
>> We would need one or more willing people with knowledge and
>> understanding of making good home brew, who would be willing to help a
>> team of useful and eager minions (the rest of us). Do we have any such
>> willing volunteers?
> I'm willing to assist, subject to being able to get to the place of brewing.
>> I am guessing we would also need some kit, and a venue with cooking
>> facilities. The first I think we could peice together from various
>> peoples brew kits (I can offer a ferment bin and 4 dozen bottles),
>> Others I hope could provide what ever else is needed.
>> Oh and some ingredients, but not being an expert on this, I don't know
>> enough to say what we need, or where to get it.
> I would recommend a beer kit for the first brew, just to check basic things
> like is the fermentation possible and warm enough.
>> As you can see this is very much a still on the drawing board idea, but
>> I think with abit of work within the group, we could be the first LUG to
>> produce our own beer! Or atleast have fun trying!
> brewing and mashing the wort is far more time consuming and still requires a
> warm environment for fermenting in, something that can be determined with a
> kit first of all.
>> Thoughts?
> Thats my two pennyworth.
> Sharon.
If your product resembles paint-stripper then you have made it too
strong. English ale is not meant to be too strong so cut down on the
sugars to water ratio (or conversely increase the water to sugars
ratio). Remember that malt is the main sugar (maltose) and adding sugar
(sucrose) is just a cheapskate method of saving money. Keep the malt,
halve the sugar or don't use it at all.
If your product resembles vinegar then it has become a weak malt
vinegar, this is lactic acid and means that your brew was contaminated
with a different fermenter from the intended yeast. It should not be
consumed (I had put 'drunk' there but thought better of it). The cure,
for the next brew, is to be paranoid about the sterility of all utensils
and methods.
Been there, done that ....many times, many many times.
They don't let me do it any more now that I'm diabetic - could be
there's a connection? Dunno. Have fun.
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