[Klug-general] The Wonders Of MythTV
Peter Childs
peterachilds at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 19:43:29 UTC 2009
2009/4/26 Paul Littlefield <paul.littlefield at bigfoot.com>:
> On 26/04/09 Peter Childs wrote:
>> Spent most of last night reinstalling my MythServer......
>> Its always had a few quirks since I set it up following last year Myth
>> Talk. Now after a reinstall last night it works perfectly
> Jolly good :-)
>> When I installed it orignally my TV card was a pain with a recompile
>> of video for linux, now with 9.04 Mythbuntu it "just works"
> My friend Gavin will be trying Mythbuntu 9.04 this week, and I am guessing it will be even easier than 8.10.
>> anyway. Want to get radio times working if poss Paul said he had some
>> instructions on his wiki, So what is the address of that? (Thank Paul
>> in advance)
> OK, I am still writing this...
> http://www.indie-it.com/wiki/index.php/MythTV_Paully
> ...but it is a start. Keep checking back and I will mail the list when the Radio Times bit is finished - which may be tonight (if I can do the other things I have to do first!)
> I have successfully used my .sql script on 2 other mythtv installations and it worked a treat - saving about an hour's work.
It worked for me too, The only problem I had was
1. Finding the extra questions in the setup program which come up in
the terminal window it opens (alt-tab helps here) otherwise it looks
like its crashed.
2. Answer those questions correctly, if you don't answer them
correctly ie not the defaults it will crash, (well at least it did for
Other great feature of using the Radio TImes Logs is that you get Channel Logos.
>> Oh on the subject of get-iplayer, great utility, works fine so long as
>> the program you want is still there. (which was our problem at the
>> meet) found a myth plugin called mythvodka to plug it in to myth,
>> don't work but great in theory.
> Just installed, tested, working, marvellous!
get_iplayer works fine for me, mythvodka segments. I think this may
have something to do with me running 64bit Mythbuntu.
>> In short it works fine out the box, You then spend ages getting it to
>> work just so...
> Indeed, which is why I started writing the wiki. There is plenty of documentation 'out there' but not in the way I wanted it.
> Also on the Wiki will be...
> DVD, AVI, MPG, VOB --> Ipod MP4
> :-)
Hmm Great, how did you right you menu options in myth to transcode to
MP4 for your ipod? Put simply I want to be able to select transcode to
mp4 and later just drop it on to my player. currently its some odd
command line I can't get right.
The only comment I have heard that Myth can do that other PVRs can do
(ie MediaPortal) is being able to get multiple channels from one MUX
and therefore being able to watch multiple channels at once using one
tuner card, so long as they are on the same MUX (frequency?). I don't
totally understand this, But it does sound like a killer feature.
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