[Klug-general] [Klug-General] Ashford Meeting April 09 - SYNOPSIS
Colin McCarthy
binarysignal at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 18:26:31 UTC 2009
Thanks to Spode and Karl Buckland we once again meet at the Ashford Youth
Theatre right next to Ashford train station.
It is a great venue, quite central to the county and has parking opposite.
18 people made it to the meeting and continuing our record we had a new
member, Kieran attending.
Colin McCarthy
Nathan Friend
Stuart Brand
Kieran (new member)
Karl Buckland [delurking for this year :-)]
Dan Ellis
Ray Osmond
Blake Slade
Tom Groves
Dan Attwood
*Tech Talk - MythTV*
Paully Littlefield gave a run though of how he did his MythTV setup and
MythTV's key features. He explained that he used www.parker1.co.uk for
install guide in UK and that a MythTV install can take time to setup
correctly, but then it will just work. Some of the problems were hoped to be
solved in Ubuntu 9.04. Paully explained about the backend and front end
setup and that he had setting up his own wiki for step by step guide. He
also showed a Hauppauge Mediamvp, which is a simple device, boot off of the
MythTV server and display videos.
MythTV wiki - http://www.indie-it.com/wiki/index.php/MythTV_Paully
*Tech Talk - Moodle*
Nathan Friend gave us a brief overview of an open source virtual learning
environment that is used at schools, universities and companies to provide
education or training. It runs on a lamp server and also other OS's.
*Tech Bit*
Colin quickly showed 'get_iplayer' (http://linuxcentre.net/iplayer) and
'Zattoo' (http://zattoo.com/) for those wanting TV content but do not have a
MythTV setup.
*Coffee and Snacks*
The selection of three sugary snacks, mini flapjacks, mini brownies and mini
shortcakes were from Aldi. The coffee was CafeDirect 'Rich Roast Coffee',
priced at £2.79 and found in most supermarkets, it had a rich creamy aroma,
had a full bodied taste and slight smokey, earthy after taste.
*After Meeting Meeting*
After the meeting 7 of us ventured into town and the Whetherspoons pub for a
tasty burger and drink.
Overall it was a great meeting which everyone seemed to enjoy.
Please add any comments, additions about the meeting to this thread.
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