[Klug-general] The Wonders Of MythTV

Paul Littlefield paul.littlefield at bigfoot.com
Wed Apr 29 11:34:40 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 18:50 +0100, Stuart Brand wrote:
> OK, so it hasn't gone as smooth as I first said...

> The first problem was infuriating as no matter what I tried nothing
> worked. the Internal player is rubbish so I wanted to use xine, under
> player settings and the command to run videos I tried everything to
> use xine and still it was reverting back to the Internal player, I
> found that there is another option screen called "file types" and this
> was the reason. in this menu there are file type specific options, so
> I scrolled through and found .vob, then I was able to set xine,
> success FYI xine -pfhq --no-splash

> well nearly, the next problem I had was the video would pause every 10
> seconds, so I launched mythfrontend from a terminal and watched the
> out put, NVP:prebuffer pause, the fix for this was to disable DRI and
> GLX in xorg.conf (which I had to create), now I have a super faster
> menu and instant videos with no pausing :)
> one more thing...
> ripping from the frontend is very slow as it needs to traverse the
> network, so a little xinetd hack redirects port 2442 to the backend
> server, this gives the same menu when ripping however you are actually
> controlling the backend drive, so a 2 hour film went from 40 minutes
> to rip to 10 minutes

Do you have access to a wiki of some sort? Would you like to put this
down on the Indie-IT wiki?
> P.S. - what remote controls does anyone recommend?

I am using the remote control and IR receiver which came with my
Hauppauge WinTV Nova-TD 500 Dual digital DVB-T PCI TV Tuner card:-

It was a real sod to get working. It's not on the wiki yet, but I had

* Download and install the latest V4L-DVB drivers
* Download and install the latest firmware for the TV card (1.20)
* Reboot and check the IR receiver is found
* Go into the Mythbuntu Control Centre
* Choose Hauppauge Nova-T 500 from the Remote drop-down list
* Choose Hauppauge IR from the Receivers list
* Reboot the machine and keep your fingers crossed.



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