[Klug-general] Fwd: A request for stories for Jono's book
Philippe Yates
philippe.y at franciscans.ac.uk
Fri Jan 30 09:14:16 UTC 2009
Mike Evans wrote:
> Mike Rentell wrote:
>> I couldn't agree more, and I thought I was alone.
>> MikeR
>> I used to have a handle on life - but it broke.
>> rich-ayres at tiscali.co.uk wrote:
>>> Seek that THOU Might Know surely - Sorry - I can tolerate bad spelling, if the meaning is clear. Even Shakespeare didn't worry to much about that ; but grammar is the foundation of the language essential for writing books!
>>> Just a GOM with a bee in his bonnet!
>>> Rich
>>> --
>>> Seek That Thy Might Know
> One wonders in any case about the point of using the archaic second
> person singular.
> 1. If it were a quotation then naturally... However, it does not
> appear to be. The nearest I am aware of would be the biblical "Seek and
> thou shalt find" which is an altogether different proposition - and
> frankly more meaningful.
> 2. That it is a mis-spelling of They rather than a grammatical slip
> substituting the posessive wodgamecallit (pronoun?) for the subjective
> one. 'Seek That They Might Know' might be a suitable motto for a teacher.
> 3. That it is an affectation, attempting perhaps to lead us to
> conclusions about the education or philosophical elevation of the
> author. Undermined somewhat by the error that MikeR and Rich point out,
> and also, I suspect, by the incorrect conjugation of the verb 'might'.
> Perhaps someone with a more classical education than my comprehensive
> school standard can say, but I have a feeling that it ought to be
> 'mightst' or 'mightest'.
> Fun this, isn't it? I wonder if the Windows 'Community' has this sort
> of discussion. Probably too busy installing the latest virus scanner or
> picking through the remains of their registry.
> Mike
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While we are discussing the grammatical difficulties of the forwarded post may I add my pen'orth (abbreviation of "penny's worth" in case of confusion, it's a bit more valuable than an 'ap'orth - "half penny's worth" - as in my granny's expression "He's a daft 'ap'orth").
In Aristotelian categories something can be generic to a genus or it can be specific to a species. It cannot be "generic to Ubuntu", since Ubuntu is, I would say, a species of the genus Gnu/Linux (I'm not sure of the proprieties here so forgive me if Gnu/Linux isn't the correct term) and not a genus itself. I fear the author should have written "specific to Ubuntu" since "generic to Gnu/Linux" would not have fit his sense.
It's so nice to be able to contribute something to the forum!
Br. Philippe Yates, OFM
Franciscan International Study Centre
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email: philippe.y at franciscans.ac.uk
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