[Klug-general] 2 Mini-ATX PC Cases
Peter Childs
peterachilds at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 11:53:42 UTC 2009
2009/6/25 nic dan <dungeons88 at hotmail.com>:
> Hi Peter
> I'm interested in at least one of them as I just got an EPIA M1000 off ebay,
> will take both if no-one else wants/needs one
> I'm not sure if I can make the meeting Saturday, though....
> maybe get there for the last hour?
> It'll be my first meeting if I do make it, so maybe a chance to meet a few
> names
> Aitch
They are ATX not ITX (which makes a big difference) so its one is a
desktop with space for 2 x 5 1/2 inch drives the other is a tower and
has space for hmm 4 x 5 1/2 drives, Ones a desktop the other a tower.
I think some people got a bit confused. They might even be ATX cases.
I'm never quite sure how the terms apply to cases so I think the Tower
may even be an ATX case as it has a ATX motherboard in it currently,
the Destop has a MicroATX Mothboard in it. If that helps
> -------------------------------------------
>> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:15:43 +0100
>> From: pchilds at bcs.org
>> To: kent at mailman.lug.org.uk
>> Subject: [Klug-general] 2 Mini-ATX PC Cases
>> I have 2 Mini-ATX PC Cases from old machines at home, They have broken
>> motherboards and AMD Processors (one is a 64AMD) they don't work
>> however and I've scavenged anything I wanted. They were "blown" up by
>> a faulty PSU or at least I think thats what happened. (No Memory, Hard
>> Disk, I think an old CDRom and Floppy is included in one of them) I
>> can't say that all the screws are in or fitted..... The PSU are there
>> but one is the one that blew the motherboards up so I would not use
>> either unless you can test it first.
>> One is Black with a large volume knob and an LCD Display (It was a
>> media box once) The other is silver with a transparent side. They were
>> relativly nice machines when they worked :(
>> If nobody wants them they will go on free-cycle.
>> I can bring them on Saturday if anyone wants them.
>> Peter.
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