[Klug-general] Be careful with ext4

Michael E. Rentell michael.rentell at ntlworld.com
Sun Jun 28 10:08:30 UTC 2009

George Prowse wrote:
> Michael E. Rentell wrote:
>> Good day all...
> Oops!
> No offence or anything but you seem like the kind of person who likes 
> to play it safe (backups, easy life, mandriva, etc) so what on earth 
> are you doing using ext4 anyway? Just like with Reiser4 (for the past 
> 3 years) people are still arguing whether it eats data or not.
> Anyway, to get all your information back all you need is 
> SystemRescueCD or if you know how to use it - Gentoo.
> http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page
No offence taken. I use Linux because I like the philosophy and because 
I need to have all the facilities that I can understand to run an 
international association of which I am a director. The lack of cost is 
also a factor. I cut my teeth on valves (those are things that came 
before discrete transistors  :-)  ) and moved on to computers in the 
early 1970s and took a degree majoring in computers at that time. I can 
(could!) program a mainframe in cobol and algol and understood what I 
was doing. But as things have 'improved' and become smaller I've only 
just been able to keep up in the (slightly) knowledgeable user group.  
So I love the Linux idea and proselytize as often as I can with 
colleagues who just sigh and are tolerant. When a Mandriva upgrade 
suggests that ext4 would be a good move, who am I to argue? Presumably 
the folk at Mandriva didn't expect me to be so dissatisfied with their 
latest offering as to want to go back.

My experience was salutary - and I just wanted other members of the 
group to be warned. As I said, those with knowledge would know but 
perhaps others in the group are just simple users like me. I was just 
trying to help, a bit.


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