[Klug-general] [Klug-General] Saturday 30th May Dover Meeting

Colin McCarthy binarysignal at gmail.com
Mon May 11 19:25:39 UTC 2009

Hi all
It's just under two weeks until our next meeting so here is a reminder.

Saturday 30th May from 10am to 2pm at;

Triangles Community Centre,
Poulton Close,
CT17 0HR

Does anyone have a suggestion for topics?  Does anyone want to offer to do a
Tech Talk?  Would people like a 'Fix-It Workshop' type meeting and possible
sort out any MythTV problems for example :-)  (assuming clever, in the know
people are coming to help with the solving)

Its been asked for a talk on compiling and installing applications if
someone would like to cover that subject.

Let me know so we can work to get things organized.

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