[Klug-general] getting broadband

james morris james at jwm-art.net
Sat Nov 21 16:29:46 UTC 2009

On 21/11/2009, "nic dan" <dungeons88 at hotmail.com> wrote:

>No problem with linux with any broadband that I know of, and I've used 'Three' 3G also
>Did you find it slow, also, unless you got a really strong signal?

For the wireless 3g/gprs/whatever, I'm with Orange, using an Icon 225
USB dongle. It depends what signal it receives ... I discovered this
week that Ubuntu 9.04 supports it out the box - but you get no
information about the signal or data transfered. I've downloaded the
following - have been using it since March -


 - but it has a few idiosyncrasies with different login users on the same
machine - sometimes, IIRC... the point is it tells you the type of
signal AND how much data you're transferring which is really useful
when you're limited to 3gb per month. it needs some custom kernel
modules built, and some UDEV rules too, and some other helper program -
the pharscape.org site has all the info scattered around it.

Here, I'm getting GPRS (2G) which is dialup slow. If you can get a 3G
network it will obviously be faster - the mobile broadband name is a bit
misleading really - the 3g is not broadband fast either.


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