[Klug-general] programming resources

james morris james at jwm-art.net
Wed Oct 21 09:05:15 UTC 2009

Not strictly Linux related, but massively useful:

Ask a programming related question and get a _fast_ answer! You get
reputation points and badges for both asking good questions and giving
good answers, so there's incentive to answer questions too. A really
good resource.

A very easy to use build system. I had a shared library project built in
minutes using this with very little faffing about. It's works on top of
the Lua scripting language, adding features necessary for a build system.

Here's a premake4.lua script for building a simple shared library:

solution "MySharedLibrary"
  configurations { "Release", "Debug" }

project "mysharedlib"
  kind "SharedLib"
  language "C"
  files { "mysharedlib/*.h", "mysharedlib/*.c" }

  configuration { "linux", "gmake" }
  buildoptions { "-std=gnu99" }

  configuration "Debug"
  defines "DEBUG"
  flags "Symbols"

  configuration "Release"
  flags "Optimize"

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