[Klug-general] cp & gvfs-cp

Alan Buchel alan at communitytechnology.org.uk
Mon Aug 9 16:29:57 UTC 2010

gvfs (Gnome Virtual File System)is for working with file systems mounted 
via fuse, and it does not really mount in the classic Linux sense.

I am a bit short on the theory as usual, but practically what this means is:

For instance you can gvfs to work over samba connections.

gvfs-copy smb://svrname/sharename/filename local-destination

Will work fine whereas the plain "cp" cannot address the samba share 
directly, you would have to mount it first:

mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass \\svrname\share mountpoint

. And it seems pretty quick, as long as you are already authenticated 
(via gnome).

I havent use geany, but it  could be that it's is trying to 
re-authenticate every time it makes a connection and this is taking time?

On 09/08/10 14:30, Jake Subs wrote:
> I use the magnificent Geany http://geany.org text editor for coding
> HTML&  CSS, but I've noticed that when saving files over an SSH
> connection in Ubuntu to a linux server, it is _incredibly_ slow.
> I've asked on the mailing list and someone has said:
>> what's happening when you save a remote file via SSH in Geany is
> that a simple write operation if performed on a file in the filesystem.
> Pretty much the same as a simple 'cp' on the command line.
> The remote file is mounted into the filesystem using GVfs and its fuse
> backend which actually outs the remote end into the filesystem
> And asked me to compare `cp` and `gvfs-cp` to see the difference in
> performance.
> However, how do I do this?! Where is the server mounted (I've looked
> under /media and /mnt)? And how can you compare cp and gvfs-cp if cp
> is just a local operation? I'm kind of confused...
> Please do excuse my CLI ignorance, which is gargantuan in scope and
> relentless in depth.
> tia, Jake
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