[Klug-general] MSIE isn't compliant

Michael E. Rentell michael.rentell at ntlworld.com
Tue Mar 16 12:13:10 UTC 2010

Thanks Karl. Easy when you know how. Difficult when you don't.

Karl Buckland wrote:
> I believe you need to include the URL keyword in your content parameter:
> content="2;url=http://www.Google.com/"
> Karl
>> On Mar 16, 2010 11:13 AM, "Michael E. Rentell" 
>> <michael.rentell at ntlworld.com <mailto:michael.rentell at ntlworld.com>> 
>> wrote:
>> I'm sure everyone knows that MSIE isn't standards compliant but it gave
>> me a real headache yesterday. My association has moved its website to a
>> new server so I wanted to put a redirector html page on the old site so
>> as not to lose members and casual viewers.
>> My HTML 3.2 handbook (yes I know it's old but so am I) gives a nice line
>> to go in the <HEAD> section:
>> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh"
>> CONTENT="5; nextpage.html">
>> That gives a five second delay before switching viewers to
>> nextpage.html. Neat, so I implemented it.
>> It worked with Firefox and Konqueror under Linux. When I switched to my
>> WindowsXP under VirtualBox it also worked with Firefox and Google Chrome
>> but not MSIE ver 8 which just kept recycling on the first page, failing
>> to switch. So clearly MSIE is non-compliant with html 3.2. Other members
>> using barefoot windoze complained of the same experience.
>> Does anyone know the line which will work for all browsers?
>> Baffled. No change there then.
>> --
>> MikeR
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