[Klug-general] Live and Dev enviroments

Mike Evans mike at tandem.f9.co.uk
Fri Nov 26 11:07:59 UTC 2010

On 26/11/10 10:32, Dan Attwood wrote:
> I was wondering if any one had any tips or tricks on how they set up
> their environment to avoid this kind of problem.
In the environments I've worked at developers - even senior ones - had 
no access rights from their machines to anything running in the live 
environment.  Deployment to the live and pre-production environments was 
always through some sort of package management/deployment script.  That 
meant that the Test environment was used to test the actual 
functionality, the pre-production environment was used to test the 
package was deployable, and for final User Acceptance Testing and then 
the change was made to production using the same deployment mechanism as 
to pre-prod.  To run the deployment mechanism you should have a 
different user - even if it's you with a different hat on, different 
password etc.


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