[Klug-general] Finding facebook signon entries in a wordpress mysql database?

Sharon Kimble boudiccas at talktalk.net
Thu Apr 10 17:16:58 UTC 2014

I have two wordpress sites in a multi-site setup, and both serviced with
the same mysql database, on an off-site server. I want to examine this
database to find where the Facebook sign-on details are and delete them to
reset the wordpress Facebook sign-on. This is because one site is directed to
my new Facebook account which is good, but the second site is directed to my
old Facebook account which is closed and is not good.

The second site was originally setup as 'test.tgmeds.org.uk' whilst it was
being built, and then converted to 'tgmeds.org.uk' when it went live. Whilst
it was still a 'test' site I signed up for Facebook and connected the two
which then worked okay.

I want to examine a mysql backup database for a Wordpress Jetpack plugin
specifically looking for where the Facebook signing on and passwords entries
are. I've just tried looking at an old copy of the database which was 39mb in
emacs, but the current one is 86mb and is obviously too big to open it with
emacs. So I'm also looking for a GUI to help me manoeuvre round the database,
but using 'phpadmin' is not able to be installed.

Once I've been able to find the entry on a database backup, then I will be
able to deal with it in the live database, or that's my plan anyway. I also
have a wordpress plugin available to me, 'Custom Field Bulk Editor' which
will allow me to interact with the database, although I do have direct entry
to the database available to me.

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs 24.3.1
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