[Klug-general] Kent Digest, Vol 464, Issue 1
Brian Reay
brian.reay at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 15:52:35 UTC 2014
Unless you don't like your folks, why would you inflict Unity on them?
Why not something more like XP, which they know? Perhaps Mint with
Cinnamon. I know it has its critics but for someone used to XP, it is
probably an easier transition. To my shame, I have to admit my wife uses
Windows but, while on holiday, she needed to use my Linux machine. She
was able to figure out the basics in a couple of minutes to access the
applications she needed etc. She is bright but not a computer geek type.
That was Cinnamon on Ubuntu.
I've not tried LUBUNTU but I think UBUNTU has lost its way and, while I
still have it on some of my machines, I'm also running MINT on a couple,
which I will probably switch over to.
(I know MINT is UBUNTU based but the user interface is much better and
there is much less fiddling post install to get things 'right' I find.)
On 22/09/14 16:21, Michael Sinclair wrote:
> Yes, I am going to be visiting my folks soon and I will be trying to
> switch them off XP to Linux. I was thinking of using Lubuntu but one
> of your posts suggested acceptance with Unity, so I might try that.
> But I did have difficulty getting them to switch from MS Office to
> Libre or Open Office... So we'll see! They just use the email,
> internet, skype ad the occasional document. The same as many people
> at home. For this a tablet will usually suffice. I think as more and
> more households drop desktops and even laptops for tablets and
> external or NAS type storage Linux will become a more enterprise
> solution.
> Michael
> On 22/09/14 15:24, Gavin Coles wrote:
>> The way to get people in to Linux is a long term issue, the best way for
>> my own experience to start with software that has cross platform
>> availability. So Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice and like. Once you
>> can show that everything they need for their day to day use is available
>> on another platform they they are more willing to try dropping Windows.
>> On 22/09/14 15:15, kent-request at mailman.lug.org.uk wrote:
>>> Don't forget the issue of the average user (employee). They will almost
>>> certainly use Windows Applications at home, or have come from employers
>>> which use them, or educational establishments which taught them.
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