[Klug-general] recommendations: computer shop in Thanet (or Canterbury)

Mike Evans mike at tandem.f9.co.uk
Fri Aug 12 11:25:43 UTC 2016

I can't - but I suspect I shall be in a similar situation shortly.  The 
onboard nVidia graphics card in my Shuttle PC doesn't play well with the 
Open Source driver (just freezes every so often) and the last time I 
tried to install the nVidia ones it was a disaster.  I'm getting bored 
of sorting it out and the machine must be 7 years old now so time for 
newness I feel.

I'd be interested in what you go for in terms of specification as I've 
not kept up with things hardware-wise.


On 12/08/16 11:25, Jonathan Kaye via Kent wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm about due for a new workstation to replace my ageing one. I
> typically have mine made by the lads at a computer shop to my
> specifications. I obviously don't want  a pre-installed OS. I do that
> myself.
> So I'm wondering if anyone could if anyone can recommend a good computer
> shop in the Thanet area or, if need be, in Canterbury where I can get a
> machine made to my specs at a reasonable price.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
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