[Lancaster] Front page Citizen Article

Martyn Welch welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Tue Dec 14 14:05:23 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

- ------ Original message ------
On Tuesday 14 Dec 2004 08:43, Ken Hough wrote:

> I believe that we need to do this soon, otherwise the whole effort will
> loose momentum. I suggest a few extra sessions with enough time to
> really get to work  --  perhaps during the daytime. I'm happy to provide
> time to act as general assistant, but as you know, my networking skills
> are limited.

I'm all up for that.

I've been having a chat with Max off list, it seems we have a lot to gain from 
leveraging LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project).

I believe LTSP has sorted out the niggling problems that our setup has 
(multiple users using the same account causing problems for some apps) and 
the generic packages can be easily installed in mandrake 10.0 as far as I can 

The current generation of terminals will work as they are with the server 
after setting up LTSP, however it should allow us to move to even thinner 
clients and also possibly dual boot the faster terminals for other 

I've never actually used LTSP before, however getting the basic setup on there 
shouldn't be to hard (famous last words!) I am around for another week, then 
it'll have to be after Christmas as far as my schedual goes.


- -- 
Martyn Welch (welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk)

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