[Lancaster] Hardware for free/sale

Darren Poulson daz at 22balmoralroad.net
Tue Dec 14 18:08:57 GMT 2004


I've got some old hardware I need to get rid of, if anyone wants it! All of it 
works with linux (thats why I have them!!)

First off I've got a Sun 20" monitor (13w3 connector, but you can get adapters 
to convert to vga) that I just need to get rid of (too heavy to get into the 
loft for storage, as Martyn found out the other day... sorry Martyn!), so 
that is free to a good home if you collect.

Various sun old sun boxes, ranging from some old IPX's and IPC's up to a sparc 
station 5 and 10. I might even have a sparc station 20 with 2 CPU's. All of 
these have had linux running on them at some point, but have been left off 
for over a year now and stacked behind my computer room door! The IPX is 
actually being used as a book end, which was exactly how it was being used 
when I got hold of it! 

Also I've got 2 compaq scsi storage arrays, each fully complimented with hard 
drives in caddies (7 in each array, plus a few spares that I have lying 
around). One has all 9.1Gb drives, the other has all 4.3Gb drives. I paid a 
fair whack for these over the past couple of years whilst I was messing and 
learning about RAID etc, so I wouldn't mind about 20 quid or so for these. If 
you have both I've got a nice pci raid card that works with them. They have 
been lying around for about 6 months but were working last time I used them, 
tho' one of the 9Gb drives had a tendancy to stick when powering on!

Lastly I have an old compaq server. Not sure on the specs or anything, but it 
has 3 hotswap drives (2.1Gb) with room for two more. Its some type of 
pentium, and has a raid card in it. 

That should clear out the ol' computer room a bit. Basically the only things I 
want money for are the storage arrays, for everything else I just want the 
knowledge that it'll be used for something constructive (or at least with the 
intention of...)



Darren Poulson - Unix Admin
PGP Key at: http://www.22balmoralroad.net/~daz/pgp.key
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