[Lancaster] Re: Install Fest

Adam Stirland ratbert at f2s.com
Sun Sep 4 16:36:01 BST 2005

Nobody said anything bad about Vectorlinux.  I think the "shoddy" and
"half-baked" comments where about the idea of attempting to install
gentoo using esoteric black magic and voodoo, and sticking random
unknown beta distributions onto old hardware and then poking around the
config files trying to get it to work.

If you know Vectorlinux well, you reckon it's easy for a newbie to use
(without having to explain loads of commands to them) and you can get it
installed quickly on a variety of hardware then that's brilliant and you
should bring it because Slackware is a great distro (just a little
difficult in it's 'native' state).

I think Martyn was just concerned that people would start trying to
compile homebrew versions of Linux without Window-Managers onto peoples
old 386s and then start flicking through a "Learn Super Advanced Unix in
14 Years" type book looking for how to tweak the configuration files to
get somebodys no-name, "Made in the Malaysian Jungle" soundcard to work.

Once again, only my opinion.


Matt S Trout wrote:

>On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 02:33:19PM +0100, Martyn Welch wrote:
>>>they haven't, I still say better to try *something*, especially a something
>>>that you know you've got an expert on the mailing list for, than to say
>>>"no, you'll have to use a pirated copy of Windows 95, sorry".
>>If it isn't going to run OpenOffice well then it might be counter productive. 
>>Though if it is running a pirated copy of windows and it is not powerful 
>>enough (which would be hard to prove without digging) we should politely 
>>point out to the owner that they are breaching copyright and should get a 
>>newer PC.
>>I'd rather install OpenOffice, FireFox and ThunderBird on their old windows 
>>(as long as it is legal) than trash there current working system to install 
>>something half-baked on it. 
>>Shoddy installs are not going to help, rather hinder.
>VectorLinux is neither shoddy nor half-baked.
>Justify accusations like that or don't throw them around in the first place.

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