[Lancaster] Looking at coding, good idea or not?

Joost Noppen joost.noppen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 13:46:36 UTC 2009

A quick reply on this. Personally I have quite a bit of experience in programming. Although I have to say that most of my programming is done in java to increase portability.

As a result my personal interest in specific libraries for Linux is fairly low, as I will not use them in practice. Introductory demos in programming would also be a bit lower on the agenda as I have a fair bit of knowledge and experience there.

Note that this is not to rule these topics out, but rather to help you guys establish the interest for them. If others would like these demos, by all means go ahead :).


----- Reply message -----
From: "andy baxter" <andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk>
Date: Sat, Dec 12, 2009 01:56
Subject: [Lancaster] Looking at coding, good idea or not?
To: "Gareth Lees" <gareth at lancasterlug.org.uk>
Cc: "Lancaster LUG" <lancaster at mailman.lug.org.uk>

Gareth Lees wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I've noticed that a lot of LUGs seem to include programming using open technologies into their demos? Just a quick survey:
> Do we follow suit and do some programming stuff, do we stick to open software or do we stick to pure GNU/Linux?
It would be nice to do something on linux based coding. One of the 
things I appreciate about linux is the variety of free libraries you can 
install through the package manager, so when you are writing a program 
you just need to search for a library you want and install it rather 
than worry about licensing and money.

My only reservation is that it would be hard to know how to pitch 
something like that. An intro to programming for beginners would be very 
different to something aimed at showing people who already know how to 
program how to use a new language / API / whatever.


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