[Lincoln LUG] Advice needed on backing up laptops

J Fernyhough j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 18:00:04 UTC 2017

On 28/06/17 18:36, Kevin Hall via Lincoln wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> I would like the benefit of your collective experience.
> What is your companies backup policy for staff laptops? Offline folders,
> cloud storage, VPN, synchronisation software?
> The Council policy is to use VPN so staff can connect remotely to their
> home folders and the laptops are fully encrypted. If they save work
> anywhere on their laptop it is their problem. I think this policy is a
> bit harsh but it does force users to keep data on the server.

I think it's perfectly sensible and matches other companies' approaches.

Policy should say that any sensitive etc. data should be saved only on
controlled network filestores, and laptops should themselves be
encrypted. No data should be transferred to personal devices (tablets,
phones, USB drives, etc. etc.) or via (insecure) email. Depending on the
sensitivity of work you might even want to ban USB drives to avoid them
acting as a malware vector, as well as encrypting
company/council-provided phones.

It's possible something like e.g. Google Drive (especially now with Team
Drives and new streamed file access) covers your data management
responsibilities (if you have the necessary agreements to e.g. keep data
within the EU) but I'd err on the side of control - especially if you've
already got the necessary infrastructure in place.

People may still ignore policy but at least you're covered when the
inevitable data breach happens. :)


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