[linux-sec-uk] Intros...

Alexander Heidenreich linux-sec-uk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Aug 18 22:53:01 2003

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"Merten, Joe" <JOMerten@Columbus.gov> wrote ..


Ok, lets introduce each other. Im 32 years old, came from Germany and studied in Goettingen and Leipzig. Im in the IT since 1992. At first I administered a part of the university network. From the mid 90s to 1999 I worked for a company wich repaired and installed automated teller machines. At that time I took a job in a software company and was responsible for the security of the product. The company produced software for online banking and accounting. The company shut down realy fast (It was not my fault ;-)) and so I changed again and became the security administrator of a german semiconductor developer and producer. Some weeks ago the company was bought by Infineon and I lost my job again. Now Im looking for a new job in the UK.
Im in Linux since 1994, before I worked with Sun and Dec. Im having experiences in Irix, BSD and HP-UX, but my heard belongs to Linux.

My English is not that good, so I will read mostly.

