[linuxjobs] Linux LAMP + Email Sys Admin in Swindon SN1

Neil Wilson neil at businesswebsite.com
Wed Apr 21 07:06:18 UTC 2010

Linux Systems Administrator required for online software/website 
development and hosting company.

Servers are hosted at Byemark runing Debian base OS with Xen virtual 
servers mostly running either Debian or Ubuntu.

LAMP with Zend encoder plus email seup combination of postfix, symantech 
virus filter, spam asassin.

Also local network running centralised linux backups and protected sub-nets.

Good technical understanding of install and configuration of above plus 
general firewall/networking/routing skills required.

MySQL and PHP knowledge would be a bonus.

Strong ability and desire to learn and overcome issues essential. May 
suit a post graduate hoping to develop their skill.

Please contact Peter Lay p.lay at whitehorse.co.uk with CV.
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