[linuxjobs] Junior Linux SA Contractor - Bracknell

Ottavio pr0f3ss0r1492 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 24 11:44:08 UTC 2011

On 24 August 2011 12:10, Ralph Corderoy <ralph at inputplus.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Max,
>> The profile of the candidate is someone confident with linux, young,
>> dynamic, independent and a quick learner.
> Does young in profile mean young in age?  Only in the UK I don't think
> employers can now discriminate against prospective employees by age.  I
> wouldn't have thought it being a contractor position alters that.
>    http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/ResolvingWorkplaceDisputes/DiscriminationAtWork/DG_10026429
> Can they be old if they're cheap enough?  :-)

I second that. By the way I assume the OP is Italian like me. In Italy
there's a tendency to put the word 'young' in every job advert but not
necessarily is this requested in practice. You will see adverts such
as: "programmer wanted, min 15 years experience, max 22 years old" ...


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