[linuxjobs] Linux Systems Administrator - Central London, , Really Cool Start Up

Kyrian kyrian at ore.org
Thu Nov 10 17:00:01 UTC 2011

Stig wrote:
> You're probably gonna get flamed for that being off-topic on the list :-)
Damn it.

Sorry all, pardon my failure to use my mail client correctly. I've had a 
long and stressful day, of the sort beyond the reach of Puppet, et al's 
reach to make easier, got distracted and I didn't change the recipient 
address from the original mangled version that mailman makes of a digest.

I suspected that, like so many, sysadmins are undervalued, and they 
weren't expecting to pay anything even approaching reasonable, so I 
picked the 50k figure out of the air without thinking, as it's a 'good 

Now, I suppose that I really am going to get flamed for trying to 
apologise for the error ;-)

> On 10/11/2011 16:17, Kyrian wrote:
>> Does this 'really cool' startup have 50k per annum to spend on its 
>> sysadmin? Their requirements list is lengthy and advanced, so they 
>> need a systems administrator of my experience and caliber. If not, 
>> then it's not really worth my providing you with my CV...
>> K.

Kev "Kyrian" Green.                        WWW: http://kyrian.ore.org/
Linux Security + Hosting + Admin/LAMP Coder @ http://www.orenet.co.uk/

      When I spit in the eye of the gods, then I will smile

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