[linuxjobs] SysAdmin Required (London SE1)

Join CRC sysadmin at joincrc.com
Fri Jul 19 16:56:50 UTC 2013

We don't need a SysAdmin

Our servers are fine, we don't need a SysAdmin - the programmers can 
look after them. Can you persuade us otherwise?

We are a dev team of 6, providing in house development to a company of 
~30 staff.


Windows File Server/Hosted Exchange

Workstations: Windows/Linux/OS-X

Salary: £30k-£50k

Please email your application to sysadmin at joincrc.com

Not for people who won't take on terrorists to ensure server uptime.

The Client Relationship Consultancy
6 Valentine Place
London SE1 8QH UK
Tel +44 20 7401 9164

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