[Liverpool] access space idea

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Jul 16 18:52:27 BST 2008

2008/7/16 Vladimir <vladimir.jakubovskij at gmail.com>:
> andrew! could you point me to the freecycle mailling list, please?
> well, the pc's are not a problem. mello are providing the first 3 pc's at
> least.
> the question now is not about the pc's (as long as mello's concerned), but
> about space.
> the thing is that they suggested we do this project on the first floor or
> smth, to have more space than we expected to. but what i agreed for now - is
> to set up the pc's in the cafe itself (to attract the customers, more
> publicity, etc), but later it's very likely we move to another place (inside
> mello), with more pc's. don't know how the broadband question is gonna be
> solved then (so far they are providing the access space with their own
> broadband link, a great thanx to them). that's when we'll be in need of more
> pc's.
> and (i will be very individualistic here, sorry guys!) i need the freecycle
> list to get smth for myself. i need another pc for myself (literally
> anything would do here - just a standard desktop for www browsing and
> watching movies for my housemates) and (if anyone wants to contribute -
> would b thankfull!) a flat screen monitor (at least 14-15", more - is a huge
> bonus) for ardour and logic based work i do.

freecycle.org has all the links to the local mailing lists. Well worth
joining up even if you dont have any needs, as you might see that one
post "hey, i've got one of those going spare!".

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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