[LUST] What's on your hdd?

slippifishi slippifishi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 19:31:04 BST 2006

Hey all,

Although i've been (ab)using linux for about a year now, I really
don't feel like i've learnt anything. Uni commitments mean I have to
dual boot to Windows, and 9 times out of 10 it ends up booting
straight to Windows desktop (only because I forget to select linux
within 5 seconds!)

Being a gates-freak, i'm on the lookout for easy-to-install/set-up
distros that work (fairly) "out of the box". This however seems quite
a rarity, as my USB soundcard never works, and when it does its about
as responsive as treacle. I have a long list of other pet hates, but
that's for another mail me thinks...

So (remembering I haven't learnt anything about linux for the past
year), my list would probably look like this:

1. SuSE 10 (at the minute i'm using SLED 10, came free with LF last
month, but it won't be there long!)
2. KDE (yawn)
3. FireFox (although i'm not a fan, this app seems slow to me no matter what OS)
4. I use gmails web interface as it by far surpasses anything else :P
5. Konsole
6. amaroK (its good, but its no winamp)
7. VideoLAN (everytime! - my first open-source app if i remember correctly...)
8. I'm ashamed to say i boot into Win for Paint Shop Pro as ive been
using it for years - stick with what you know...
9. Kate (yuck) - i'd love to be profficient in Vim, i just need more
10.1 aMule (for emule-esque edonkey access)
10.2 imWheel (for access to my back and forward buttons on my MS mouse)
10.3 Neverball (for time wasting and level editing!)
10.4 Kaffeine (good for tv tuning, gorgeous post-processing, but no video-in :@)

Linux is definately missing a direct port of Winamp (something with
similar performance and features would be ideal), and if you ask me a
>decent< web browser - I know IE isnt the best, but it's easily the
fastest i've used, the integration with windows may be bad for
competition, but it's so quick it makes sense!

Like i keep saying, i'm still fairly new (think of me as a
part-part-part-time hobbyist), so i'm sure the apps i want are out
there, i just need to spend some time and effort setting them all up.
I dream of uninstalling Windows one day, but until I can do everything
in Linux "out-of-the-box"-ish, its not going to happen...

Now, back to half-life 2 :) ...

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