[Malvern] Suse 8.1
Andy Lowton
malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Dec 19 10:16:01 2002
>>>>> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, "Phil" == Phil Ironside wrote:
Phil> Just got SuSE 8.1 impressed or what. I'm not used to outbursts but well
Phil> this is a good one. I was very impressed with their attitude when I
Phil> spoke to them. Any one else had a wow from any other distro recently? I
Phil> still like slackware for that close to the silicon feel its getting
Phil> good. Its a wonderful linux world.
I use slackware myself but have never tried SuSe. Why is it so good?
I've tried Redhat, mandrake, debian and Coral and they are all inferior to
slackware in my humble opinion (though I am a BSD user and slackware is the
nearest linux to it).
Phil> Oh and Happy Christmas everyone and a Brill New Year
Same here. Have a good one everybody.
E-Mail: andy@dragonfly.demon.co.uk
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