[Malvern] Suse 8.1

geoff bagley malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Dec 19 10:14:00 2002

Hi  Phil.

I have SuSE 8.0 Pro.  I too am impressed.  YaST is good for package
and so is the RPM  system on which I think it is based.  SuSE also support
my printer.

I also have Debian 3.0  (Woody)  which uses a different package manager.  It
too is
pretty good.   There is a fair amount  of setting up to do,  but some of the
GNU utilities
are useful.  I am  inclined to learn the Debian route because it is a true
GNU non-commercial
distro, managed (be it ever so slowly) by volunteers.

I have not tried Slackware.  I think that like Debian it is well-loved by
the purists.

I have also tried FreeBSD UNIX.  It has a few different conventions, but is
very like LINUX.

I am looking for the best Pascal Compiler.  I used to use Borland Turbo
Pascal 7.0, but that
only runs under DOS.  I write numerical/algorithmic  progs.  The latest one
takes GPS
(National Grid Reference) OS Map references taken on the Gloucestershire
Railway, and computes the  parameters of curved track for laying out our
concrete sleepers.

All the best to all the Gang for a Happy Christmas.

Geoff Bagley.

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Ironside <phil@creativespaces.co.uk>
To: malvern@mailman.lug.org.uk <malvern@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 11:13 PM
Subject: [Malvern] Suse 8.1

>Just got SuSE 8.1 impressed or what. I'm not used to outbursts but well
>is a good one. I was very impressed with their attitude when I spoke to
>Any one else had a wow from any other distro recently? I still like
>for that close to the silicon feel its getting good. Its a wonderful linux
>Oh and Happy Christmas everyone  and a Brill New Year
>Phil Ironside
>Malvern mailing list