[Malvern] March Meeting

Andy Lowton malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Mar 17 10:42:02 2003

>>>>> On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, "Roy" == Roy wrote:

  Roy> Phil Ironside <phil@creativespaces.co.uk> writes

  install openlinux so that i can follow the book through
  Roy> and so understand what Linux is all about.  Question...  Can i just go
  Roy> through the CD install or will Mandrake be overwritten or worse interfere
  Roy> with the installation ?

Don't know whether this question was soley aimed at Phil, but I'll jump in 
anyway 8-)

If I understand what you are asking properly, then going through the CD install 
of Openlinux will overwrite mandrake if you give the Mandrake partition as the 
one for openlinux. Having Mandrake on there won't affect the installation of 
Openlinux though.

Does enough of the book not apply to Mandrake anyway? I ask because I have 
heard bad things about Caldera, though it was a while ago.



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