[Malvern] Fedora Core 5 and dumb women with people carriers

Andy Dixon andy at andydixon.com
Thu Apr 6 20:46:22 BST 2006

I regret installing it now.

I got my soundcard working. I deleted everything relating to it in 
/etc/modprobe.conf. That fixed it.

My wireless card only works if I find out what its called (usually 
devXXXX) and manually pass iwconfig commands to it. Stupid thing is that 
the name of the device keeps changing and system-config-network does not 
see it.

Does anyone know of / have a spare wireless card (802.11b or g) that 
works with Linux without the need of hacking? I am sick of this 3com one 
as it requires firmware and hotplug. FC5 does not have hotplug, but 
seems to work with the firmware nonetheless.

To add insult to injury, one of the iMac cathodes broke, thanks to some 
dumb woman in a people carrier pushing her way passed a parked car. I 
didn't throw it at her, much as the temptation was, but I had to break 
so hard that it smacked into my elbow off the back seat.
I'm going to swap it tomorrow, and see if anyone notices.

I am going to get drunk now, and go to sleep.



Andy Dixon

email: 		andy at andydixon.com
interweb:	www.freelancecoder.co.uk
Tel (home):	08453 927659
Mob:		07733 106492

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