[Malvern] Perl + Accessability

Barbie barbie at missbarbell.co.uk
Tue Dec 5 18:19:11 GMT 2006

On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 01:28:03PM -0000, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> 2 questions relating to Perl on both Windows and Linux systems:
> - is the Development Environment set up to communicate with the
> Accessability APIs on both platforms

Unfortunately I don't know. I would imagine there is some module of CPAN
that has implemented some of them. The Win::OLE module lets you talk
directly to DLLs, so you may be able to use that. However, on Linux you
may have to dig a little deeper.

You might what to investigate PVoice, which Jouke Visser wrote for his
daughter. He used it to access some speech tools on Windows, but I
believe it may also work on Linux. It might not be what you're after,
but it might give you a hint.

> - are the GUI modules and objects pre built with this same interface

There are several GUI modules, but they all differ depending upon what
you want from them. Tk and Wx are two that spring to mind. However, they
aren't built on top of any interface to accessibility modules, you would
need to code the glue between the two for that.

> I've been looking at JJ's introduction and I thought I might have a go at
> getting totally confused, but if it hasn't got the Accessability APIs
> running then I'll have to give it a miss.

JJ's introduction talk didn't happen due to lack of time. However, he
looks at functional programming from a general coding view point, not
for any specific API. Although rereading your last bit, I may have
misunderstood what you meant.

Birmingham Perl Mongers

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