[Malvern] WIFI at Great Malvern Hotel

Andy Dixon andy at andydixon.com
Tue Sep 19 20:57:48 BST 2006

Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi Andy
> Project Megun is the Malvern Death Ray project that I'm working on - blast
> did I say that?  If I'm not there tomorrow then the men from the ministry
> will have got ....
Funny you say that. I was talking to my wife on the phone about 
reporting something to the police. There was a click, and it sounded 
like someone was listening in...

Quick!! Hand me some more foil! Must wrap my head so that the government 
cant read my brain waves!!!


PS - Does it / would it increase performance in cooking pies? If it 
does, count me in. I'd help...

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