[Malvern] Bandwidth limitation.

Darren Beale bealers at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 08:08:13 GMT 2007

On Dec 2, 2007 11:28 AM, Geoff Bagley <geoff.bagley at btinternet.com> wrote:

> However,  there is a bandwidth limitation which means that she is
> precluded from doing work
> writing web-sites.  That would cost an extra tariff  of  50 euros per month.

Sounds to me that the extra €50 PM is well worth it and should be
factored into costs if telecommuting professionally.

>From you other comments it sounds like she's on satellite and I'd
imagine the things killing her are clients sending over large
attachments (layered PSDs/PNGs etc) that need marking up and then the
upstream is always a killer for uploading large sites.

A solution, albeit over engineered, could be to set up a local web
server that she develops on that then rsyncs over to the remote server
every few minutes.

> Is there any way to have a proxy over here (say)  where the rates are
> more favourable,  and only do
> the changes via  her local  ISP ?

For when I'm out and about but not near WiFi I have a 3G data card
with unlimited allowance which costs me £30PM. I don't use it much but
when I have needed it the fee has been worth every penny. Wonder
whether she'd get coverage for something like that? Probably still
less bandwidth than her current supply, though, but if she is hitting
data transfer limits then it'd give her another source.

> One problem is that although she is very savvy on IT,  she is stuck
> with  M$  Window$.    (That being what her clients want).

Fail to see how that would make any difference to her interweb connection.

Darren Beale
07711 716 197


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