FW: [Malvern] Re: [OT] PC PSUs & turntables
Ian Pascoe
ianpascoe at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 9 18:50:45 GMT 2007
I know that this is really continuing the drift off list but last October, I
think it was, a Danish firm launched a turntable with DC power supply but
not connectable to the mains! You had to use a couple of car batteries to
provide the power. Now that's what I call eccentric!
The only reason, going back on topic, I elluded to hi-fi was that it was
generally agreed that if you provided components within the same housing
their own regulated power supply, you can add minimal degredation to the
signal throughout it's path.
As has been said earlier in the trail, that is needed because of the low
data rates involved compared with normal PCs.
So if you have a blob (technical term) on an audio system that corrupts 2
data bytes, but could have been avoided with individual power supply, and
you move to a PC, the blob lasts for the same time span, but affects more
data as the stream is faster.
I suppose in essence that the PC PSU already has multiple power supplies
within it, but what I was trying to get at is if the supplies were more
automonus an external RF / HF interference couldn't cascade throughout the
entire PC.
Or have I totally mis-understood the construction of PSUs as they are now?
Sorry not very well put but trying to put down in words what seems so clear
in my head just involves so much fairy dust it's unbelieveable!
Zeth, going back to BIOS's what is EFE I think you called it?
-----Original Message-----
From: malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Chris Eilbeck
Sent: 09 February 2007 17:03
To: malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Malvern] Re: [OT] PC PSUs & turntables
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:31:41PM +0000, Richard Smedley wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 22:38:11 Chris Eilbeck wrote:
> > DC motors, only Pink Triangle ones and they are well known for not
> > actually going round at the right speed, stable but never quite
> > right.
> Perhaps being a PT owner skews my view here - but I have to disagree a
> little ;-)
AC motors have their issues too, mainly cogging. Nowt is quite perfect but
I can't quite justify to myself buying a Roksan TMS, SME Series V arm and
Lyra Parnassus.
> However the lateness of the hour, and the general off-topicness precludes
> me from assembling a long list - though that's not to say that it would be
> anywhere near as long as the list of AC-users.
> - Richard
> /me off to clean up my newly-rescued Dynatron/Goldring gl78
I'll stick with my LP12/Lingo/Ittok/Troika ;o)
Chris Eilbeck
MARS Flight Crew http://www.mars.org.uk/
UKRA #1108 Level 2 UYB
Tripoli UK Member #9527 LSMR
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