FW: [Malvern] LUG Up Front

Ian Pascoe ianpascoe at btinternet.com
Wed May 2 23:01:36 BST 2007

Hi Andy

Who said anything about public speaking?  It's only us!

Couple of helpful hints on this front .

1.  Set yourself a timeframe in which you want to say what you want.
2.  Write down a script of notes / bullet points and stage directions
3.  Scare the hell out of wife and kids by locking yourself in your bedroom
with the laptop and necessary props and run through it in front of the
4.  When you feel comfortable doing it in front of the mirror in the bedroom
and you got it down pat, co opt any babies / children that can't run away
etc including pets and do it in front of them - strange daddy!
5.  Do it in front of "her in doors" - ignore any jibes about all those
little jobs that you still need to do around the house.

By this point you should be totally sick of your patter and it'll run off
the tongue  like a pint at the end of a hot day.

Next, following no more than one pint of dutch courage find some interested
people that you feel kinda OK with and rattle it off to them.

And hey presto!  public speaking has begun.

Oh and one other important tip always have a glass of water to hand - it's
very hard to talk with a dry mouth.

Further lessons available!
-----Original Message-----
From: malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Andy Dixon
Sent: 02 May 2007 21:15
To: Malvern LUG
Subject: Re: [Malvern] LUG Up Front

The Assisted technologies would be interesting
definately..! It would be a good thing to let people
know how accessable linux was..

I would be happy to do a speech about Onion Routing,
but my public speaking is pretty poor...!


--- Ian Pascoe <ianpascoe at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> Following on from a discussion held at the GMH a
> couple of months ago, it
> has been suggested that we bring FOS and Linux to
> the masses.  So we are
> looking to some of you lot to help us with this most
> noble of causes!
> What we are looking for is just a little something
> to start off with that
> shows off your experiences with using FOS, why you
> chose FOS as opposed to
> proprietry  software, or even, as Phil has, how to
> use it.
> If you've never done presenting before this is a
> real scary thing to do, so
> the easiest thing I've come up with is for us to dry
> run the presentations
> either at a LUG meeting, or in front of a few
> especially selected people.
> Anyone got any questions on how to do presentations,
> give me a shout as this
> type of stand up stuff I do quite regularly at work.
> Yeah, I know what you're thinking, I'll leave it to
> the regular core members
> of the LUG and wash my hands of the complete idea.
> Don't!  There is a great
> deal of potential to preaching the word and if you
> can get the confidence to
> go along with the presentation, you might even find
> it's got life changing
> potential.
> Phil has already done some initial enquiries, quite
> accidentally as it
> happened, to a couple of the local schools and they
> almost bit his hand off,
> so the audience is there.
> So, what do you need to do?  Firstly don't ignore
> this mail - I know, I know
> I'm laying it on thick but I really think this is a
> good idea.
> Next, look at the way you use FOS / Linux.
> You may use it for a desktop only, that's fine so
> tell us why you chose the
> desktop and distro you did and how you got there.
> Maybe you use it professionally for web building /
> hosting, or running
> networks and servers.  That's fine too as this is a
> bit more techy and will
> appeal to a different type of audience.
> It doesn't matter, just think about it.  To give you
> some more ideas, some
> of the suggestions from last night were:
> - how to and why use the command line
> - BASH and simple command line commands
> - security and backups
> - GIMP 2
> And putting my neck on the proverbial chopping block
> I have decided to do
> something on Assistive Technologies and the disabled
> as it's something I
> know about!
> All this being said, we do have the fallback of
> asking guest speakers to
> come along from other LUGs and other FOS groups like
> the Perlmongers, UK
> Ubuntu etc, but why should we rely totally on  these
> guys when we've got
> such a diverse range of people and interests within
> the group.
> OK, normal service now resumes.
> Ian
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