[Malvern] LUG Up Front

Andrew Ballantine acballantine at googlemail.com
Thu May 3 14:43:56 BST 2007


Actually there is already a Linux Accounting package available which is very
similar to Sage. It's called Jalia. Go here -->
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jalia/ for more info. They also do an online

Kind regards,

Andrew Ballantine.

On 5/3/07, Barbie <barbie at missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 09:51:58PM +0100, Geoff Bagley wrote:
> >
> > One question which crops up in some circles concerns those applications
> > which are an industry
> > standard, but for which there is no Linux equivalent.
> > Specifically "SAGE", widely used by most UK accountancy firms.
> This is difficult. SAGE is a very established piece of software and the
> accountancy rules can get very complex. John Pinner of Clockwork
> Software and The Linux Emporium, wants to tackle this, and as first step
> created PayThyme to handle payroll. It's all FLOSS and you can download
> the code from their site. He employes a SAGE developer, who apparently
> was one of the original coders on the application, way back when, so
> understands the complexities. However, after about 3-4 years of knowing
> John, he's still no nearer releasing an Open Source alternative.
> It would take some major investment at the moment to try and do
> something to compete with SAGE, and I don't think anyone is willing to
> do that yet.
> Barbie.
> --
> Birmingham Perl Mongers - http://birmingham.pm.org
> Miss Barbell Productions - http://www.missbarbell.co.uk
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Kind regards,

Andrew Ballantine
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