[Malvern] LUG Up Front

Geoff Bagley geoff.bagley at btinternet.com
Thu May 3 15:16:06 BST 2007

Andrew Ballantine wrote:
> Actually there is already a Linux Accounting package available which 
> is very similar to Sage. It's called Jalia. Go here --> 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jalia/ 
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/jalia/> for more info.
Hi Andrew,

Many thanks for the above.  I wonder to what extent it tries to "clone"  
SAGE,  to the same degree of
interoperability that we have say,  between  M$ Word and  OO-Writer ?

I think that this is important.  Accountants are not going to switch 
from SAGE to anything else while
there are customers who don't mind the overheads on their accountancy 
services !  
Businesses generally already accept the old paradigm and are not looking 
for a fresh one.

So,  as Barbie says,  major investment might be needed,  and yet it 
would seem that the motivation
might  be missing.  

The result:  lots of people stay locked in to M$.

Best regards,


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