[Newark] Working with Larger LUGs

Steve Caddy steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com
Thu Jun 26 17:12:21 BST 2008

darren stanney wrote:
> Bloody hell man WHAT are you doing!!! Surely you know that posting twice in
> then same LUG is a bad thing let alone you're blatant lack of understanding
> by posting in TWO LUGS on the same day!! What are you trying to do break the
> internet!!!!! :D

I'm having a day off, and I've got bandwidth to spare. I'm also making up for 
not attending Tuesday's meeting. Next, I'll attempt top posting without 
trimming what I'm quoting, and that'll really kill the internet ;-)


PS For those that aren't on Nottingham LUG, I've been discussing why I don't 
run ssh on port 22. A pearl of wisdom for those who are completely new to Linux.

Steven M Caddy, MEng ------------------------------------------------------
"Hardware - the part of the computer you kick when the software fails"
Email: steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com

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