[Newark] PodCast

Steve Caddy steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com
Tue Mar 18 12:42:26 GMT 2008

Chris Hayes wrote:
> Steve:
> Absolutely. That sounds like a really worthwhile idea. I too would be
> up for that, introducing a Newark to what Linux - and perhaps more
> importantly, open source - is and how it might be of use to them,
> sounds like a fantastic opportunity.
> I'm assuming that this is something that you (Steve) would be best to
> pursue on our behalf? Seeing as you already know people there.

I can always ask. On their application, they've specified rather a lot of 
speech content, and it's my guess that they'd willingly take up something that 
didn't involve playing lots of music.

> As for Boundary Sound although I'd heard of them, I didn't realise
> that they were a community radio station.

Their application document (which is rather large, but will tell you more than 
you'd ever want to know about their proposal) can be found (well, ok, you'll 
have to know where to look, Ofcom's site is horrible to navigate) on the Ofcom 


It's quite possible other community stations would be interested in such 
programming... and they've never considered it before.


Steven M Caddy, MEng ------------------------------------------------------
"Hardware - the part of the computer you kick when the software fails"
Email: steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com

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