[Newark] Vampire 600 v2

Craig Lynch c_lynch87 at outlook.com
Thu Apr 12 21:12:03 UTC 2018

Having mentioned at previous LUG meets, I have fond memeories of the Amiga 
(of which there were several (600, 1200, 500) in the family) and Atari 
(2600 and an STfm which I owned myself)…

The ridiculousness that is the Vampire 600 V2 is heading back 
into production… http://www.apollo-accelerators.com/

The specs are absolutely nuts for a machine such as the Amiga but as a 
complete architectural alternative to both x86-64 and ARM… it seems quite 

I received an eMail from Apollo Accelerators to express my interest 
in buying said Vampire 600 V2 and then read about the Vampire V4.

Is it worth the trouble to buy the V2? Kind of like the Planet Gemini - 
it's a new bash at an old thing? Reviewers are both thoroughly impressed 
with both devices despite some niggles. There is always the cost of the 
upgrade cycle, along with the V4 being projected as being so close.

Patience is a virtue


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