[Nottingham] Cleaning Up disk

BUNTER MATTHEW nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Dec 19 14:30:01 2002

--- Re=E7u de       VITEUR.BUNTERMA 04 72 96 57 77             19/12/02 =


I am attempting to clean up the hard disk of my computer and thought tha=
t I
could get rid of certain types of files. The first type I targeted for
deletion were unneeded *.gz files.

I was wondering if I can get rid of the following :


I presume (having a UK keyboard and asking for English UK during the
install) that I should keep the files with uk??

Others I wonder about :

same but with fr
some others with it and one file with ru

I am not running any X server, the box has a minimal install on it. I'm
just confused why anything other than English UK would have been install=



Running RH6.2 (2.2.14-5.0) on Toshiba Libretto 70CT

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