[nottingham] Heya

Paul Sladen nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Sep 12 23:09:00 2002

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Philip Scott wrote:
> Just to let you know, you've got a new subscriber lurking in the midst of 
> Calverton, Nottingham.

Nice to meet you!  Thanks for `sticking your neck up',  Welcome to the
Band of Merry {,wo}men.  I still can't remember where Calverton is though.

> I also wondered if any of you knew that there is (and has been for some
> 25 years) a Nottingham Microcomputer Club,

What's the community centre like;  could you describe the format of their
meetings?  What sorts of things to they do and what varies from week-week/

> If you're interested, i've been happily running debian for the past year
> and whilest not perhaps having attained 'guru' status,

Debian, my favouritist choice!  I think you're most of the way to being a
proper `guru' when you know which Operating System to choice!  ;-)

Nottingham, GB