[Nottingham] BYO Linux
Robert Hart
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Apr 1 14:36:01 2003
Does sulogin work if you chroot to your new partition.
Have you tried stracing the sulogin you have built. Mine doesn't do that
much, it opens /lib/libcrypt.so.1 and libnss_compat, etc. I guess yours
will be different. but I don't know if it will stand alone completely.
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Roger Light wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anybody have reasonable experience of Build Your Own Linux ( http://www.byolinux.org ) or otherwise building a Linux system from scratch?
> I have been following the instructions on byolinux and have so far got
> a separate partition for the new installation, have created the
> directory structure (including the contents of dev), have copied
> /boot/ to /mnt/linux2/boot, /etc/passwd and /etc/group (non-shadow) to
> /mnt/linux2/etc, reconfigured lilo and installed statically compiled
> versions of init, sulogin and so on and bash. passwd and group have
> been pared down to just hold the root entries. I've also created an
> inittab file like so:
> id:S:initdefault:
> ~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin
> z6:6:wait:/sbin/sulogin
> 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/sulogin
> which is how byolinux suggest.
> Now when I boot into linux2 it goes along fine but then complains that sulogin cannot open the password database.
> Does anybody have any suggestions as to what might be wrong?
> Cheers,
> Roger
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