[Nottingham] Installfest Proposal
Robert Postill
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Apr 10 14:19:00 2003
On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 13:02, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> Thanks Robert,
> As said at the meeting, I should be able to bring along some server boxes,
> a wired and possibly a wireless hub for doing network installs but I
> imagine most machines brought along won't have a network card.
And so the number grows. Cool. Thankyou.
> Could we get someone like John Winters ala linuxemporium (or Suse ...) to come along and
> sell disk sets or even supply them on a sale or return basis ?
I was going to get hold of SuSE once we had a firm date. I don't have
any contact details for John Winters but I'm happy to have a chat with
him if you have.
> I should also mention that we were going on the principal that anyone who is into
> Linux already has it and the install fest should be geared towards newcomers.
> Hence we would offer a distro like Mandrake or Suse rather than Gentoo or Debian.
Oh yes, no one gets to bring their Z-series mainframe OK? :) However
just typing has struck me with a thought...is anyone familiar with
Macs? I'm not sure what I'd say if someone brandished an iMac at me.